Pontins Entertainment - Jimmy Tamley

Jimmy Tamley

One of the most sought after comedy ventriloquists in the world with a huge array of characters including the comedy classic Lightening Les the underweight boxing champion of the world, Knuckles the biker and Louie the blues, Jim continually challenges the perception of the fascinating art of ventriloquism with the most entertaining audience participation you will ever see! One of the best technical vents in the world, Jim uses his incredible vocal skills and excellent comedy and characterisation to present a unique show. His approach to the fascinating art of ventriloquism and puppetry is something not to be missed.

Please note – due to the way our entertainment is scheduled we cannot guarantee any one act will appear on a certain date at a particular Holiday Park. The information contained in this Entertainment section is a general guide of acts appearing throughout the season across all our Parks. For further information please see our full terms and conditions.